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Request for Selection Request for Selection

Solar Energy Corporation of India invites Request For Selection (RFS) of Bidders for Implementation of Grid Connected Roof Top Solar PV Systems Scheme in slected Cities in India (Phase III)

Under the directions of “MNRE”, Solar Energy Corporation of India (hereinafter called “SECI”), invites project developers, MNRE channel partners, Technology providers, System integrators, Renewable Energy Service Companies(RESCO), EPC Contractors to participate in the Request for Selection (RFS) for design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning including warranty, operation & maintenance for a period of 2 years of Roof Top Solar PV power system in selected Cities/States in India.

For the implementation of above mentioned work, Bidders should submit their bid proposal along with all supporting documents complete in all aspect on or before 30-05- 2013 up to 2.30 p.m. in the office of “SECI” in prescribed format.

Bidder shall submit bid proposal along with non-refundable processing fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) for each city in the form of DD issued in favour of “SolarEnergy Corporation of India”, payable at New Delhi. Techno-Commercial Bids will be opened on 30-5-2013 at 3:00 p.m. in presence of authorised representatives of bidders who wish to be present. Bid proposals received without the prescribed processing fees and Bid Bond will be rejected. In the event of any date indicated above is a declared Holiday, the next working day shall become operative for the respective purpose mentioned herein.

Bid documents which include Detailed eligibility criteria, technical specifications, various conditions of contract, various formats, etc, can be collected in person from the office of Solar Energy Corporation of India, New Delhi w.e.f 01-5-2013 to 29-5-2013 in official (10.30A.M to 5.00P.M) working hours against written request and can also be downloaded from official website of MNRE, Any amendment (s)/corrigendum/Clarifications with respect to this Bid document shall be uploaded on MNRE website only. The applicants should regularly follow up for any amendment/corrigendum/clarification on the website