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Notice Inviting Tender 2nd Call Notice Inviting Tender 2nd Call
Notice Inviting RFP Notice Inviting RFP
Request for Proposal Request for Proposal

Request For Proposal “Engagement of Agency for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Public Bicycle Sharing System in Jabalpur”

Jabalpur Smart City Limited (JSCL) plans to introduce a Cycle Sharing System to provide a low-cost, environmentally friendly mobility option to city residents. Cycle sharing is a flexible system of personalised public transport. Cycles are available in a closely spaced network of semi-automated stations. Users can check out cycles at one station and return them to any other station in the network. Cycle sharing is a key element in a city’s strategy to expand the use of sustainable transport modes.Cycle sharing is expected to boost the use of public transport by providing crucial last- mile connectivity to the all-area of city, thereby expanding the catchment areas for the region’s transit systems. By encouraging a shift to sustainable modes, the Cycle Sharing System will reduced pendency on automobiles, reduce traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and demand for motor vehicle parking. In addition, the system will expand the health and wellness benefits of bicycle transport to new users. Finally, the system will support the transformation of streets to become environments where pedestrians and bicyclists feel safe and comfortable. The stations would cover the “catchment area” of the main roads, railway station and markets. This will ensure that the first and last mile connectivity to people living in the catchment area is provided for. Importance will be given to place stations near important commercial, cultural, educational, administrative, and residential and tourist attraction points in the catchment area. A Hybrid System is proposed for Public Bicycle Sharing. The stations will be manned by station attendants; however the operations of each station are communicated to the Central control system by the station attendants using card verification devices. The central control system collects data from each station for efficient planning and operation of the system. This data is used to make decisions on redistribution of cycles around stations during the hours of operations. The Cycle sharing system will also be integrated with the fare collection system of the J-Card system through the ITS system to aid the multimodal integration. The Cycle Sharing System proposed will have 1000 cycles spread over minimum 100 stations across the city. The project will be implemented by the service provider within a time period of 10 months of signing the bid. However, number of cycles or/and stations can be increased/decreased with mutual consent of JSCL and service provider but the cost of the same shall be borne by the service provider. JSCL hereby requests interested Parties to respond to this call for Request for Proposal for the development, design, procurement, installation, operation and maintenance of the Cycle Sharing System in the city of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.