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RFP Smart Parking RFP Smart Parking

Request for Proposal for Selection of Concessionaire for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation and Maintenance of Parking Guidance and Management Solution for on street, off street and indoor Parking Spaces in NDMC area on PPP model.

NDMC hereby invites bids for Selection of a Concessionaire for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation and Maintenance of Smart Parking Solution for on street, off street and indoor Parking Spaces (four wheelers and two wheelers) in NDMC area on PPP model for the concession period of seven(7) years (including maximum six month implementation period).Broadly the project includes following works:

  1. To provide and install magnetic-cum-optical/ magnetic-cum-IR sensors at each of the parking slots for Cars for every on street and off street parking, base station/ gateway, network routers/switches, smart parking equipment with hand held devices, automatic pay stations and boom barriers for off street and indoor/underground parking.
  2. Installation of CCTV based surveillance system, including online data transfer on demand, and CCTV footage to central control room for on street and off street parking lots on demand by NDMC.
  3. To provide and install necessary hardware and software for parking management and guidance system for on street, off street and indoor parking system.
  4. To provide and install necessary LED signages (in English language and numerals) [Small size (of area round 1 sq. m.), large size (of area around 3 sq. m.) and Variable messaging sign board (of area around 6 sq. m.)].Large size and Variable messaging LED signages shall be confirming to IP 55 standard.LED signages will be for guidance to public regarding availability of parking spaces and other necessary information, at locations adjacent to each parking lot.
  5. Setup and maintenance of Central Control Centre including Data Centre with appropriate hardware and software for monitoring and managing of Smart Parking, and viewing, analyzing, storing and retrieval of the CCTV feed.
  6. Mobile App for parking services, details of which has been provided in this RFP document.
  7. Comprehensive operation and maintenance of all hardware and software installed under this project throughout the Concessionaire period.
  8. To manage and collect revenue from users as per tariff fixed by NDMC from time to time for all the parking lots defined in this RFP document.
  9. To pay NDMC a monthly concession fee based on the revenue sharing model, as percentage of revenue collected from users by the Concessionaire till the expiry of the concession period with minimum guaranteed revenue.
  10. To provide intelligent tow trucks alongwith driver and fuel for required operations and to be maintained by the concessionaire.
  11. To ensure parking enforcement in NDMC area and to enable NDMC/Traffic Police in collecting penalties as per Government policy.
  12. To provide recognition of each parking slot (ECS) with LED indicators for indoor parking displaying the availability of parking slots. Also includes maintenance and upgradation of parking guidance & management infrastructure at Palika Parking.