Transportation plays a crucial role in cities as it significantly impacts the quality of people’s lives and is often the key means of accessing education, employment and essential services. At the same time, transportation is the sector where global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are rising most quickly. In 2010, the transport sector accounted for 27% of final energy use, and CO2 emissions from the sector could almost double by 2050 if steps are not taken to counter this trend. As emissions from private motor vehicle use rise, adopting measures to shift these trips to public transit is critical.
As one of the main components of a comprehensive public transportation system that may include motorised and non-motorised elements, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) delivers significant benefits to cities, while requiring significantly less time and resources to build and begin operation than other comparable alternatives. ii A BRT is a high-quality bus-based transit system that delivers fast, comfortable, and cost-effective services at metro-level capacities at a fraction of the cost. It can be expanded in phases as funding becomes available – allowing costs to be dealt with over time - and is faster to implement than other rapid transit services (metro, light rail, etc.). These projects, programmes and policies not only reduce emissions but also save travel time, reduce local air pollution, improve traffic safety and encourage physical activity.
The C40 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Network was established to support C40 cities’ efforts to develop successful BRT programs, incorporating infrastructure, technology, scheduling, and financing solutions. The C40 BRT network currently has 16 participating cities and is led by Buenos Aires and Johannesburg.
The purpose of this Good Practice Guide is to summarise the key elements of BRT good practice for global dissemination, highlighting the success of C40 cities in planning and delivering a highquality public transit systems.