Rajkot's journey to safe cycling...

"Cycling for shorter distances not only helps me stay fit but is also good for our wellbeing and cuts pollution! I urge all the people of Rajkot to give it a shot, come together and start cycling for a greener tomorrow!"

Divyesh Aghera

Founder, Rajkot Cycle Club

Check out Rajkot's stage 01 journey video

City highlight!

How to get more people to commute by cycle everyday?

Rajkot has the right answer! They started by speaking to people who already cycled everyday—postmen and others—to understand the issues they faced and then fix them. Over 1500 municipal officials led by example by cycling to work. The city also encouraged private companies to start cycle-to-work programmes and incentivise their employees to commute by cycle. Many have already launched these programmes. The city has now identified 40 frequently used routes to make them safe for cycling.

Want to know more about Rajkot's initiatives? Check out the presentation below!

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