New Town Kolkata's journey to safe cycling...

"New Town Kolkata has taken several steps to actively promote cycling, including cycle tracks, safe signages, cycle clinics, smart cycle stands, and cycle training. Cycling is a safe and healthy mode of transport, an absolute need of the hour during the pandemic!"

Shri Debashis Sen

Chairman, New Town Kolkata Green Smart City Ltd. West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation New Town Kolkata Development Authority

Check out New Town Kolkata's video

City highlight!

How to get more people to cycle?

Get them cycles and teach them to cycle. New Town Kolkata worked on this simple principle to get more cycles to people, and train them to cycle. The roll-out of a city-wide public bicycle-sharing system with 1000 cycles was the first step. The next was to train people—especially women—to cycle through weekly training camps. The city is now planning larger awareness programmes and a 70 km network of cycle tracks across the city.

Want to know more about New Town Kolkata's initiatives? Check out the presentation below!
