Bengaluru's journey to safe cycling...

"Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches; planning with people ensures that cities take care of people’s concerns by investing in the right places."

V Manjula

Commissioner & E/o Additional Chief Secretary to the Government,Directorate of Urban Land Transport, Government. of Karnataka

Check out Bengaluru's stage 01 journey video!

City highlight!

Why can’t every neighbourhood be a cycling neighbourhood?

Building on the success of its pop-up cycle lanes, Bengaluru launched a platform—the Sustainable Mobility Accord—to create cycling neighbourhoods. The accord provided an opportunity for citizens and local organisations to work with the city to identify and redesign different neighbourhoods. It started with a bang right at the city centre, creating slow zones to make streets safer for cycling. Bengaluru plans to expand its initiatives across the city, and make every neighbourhood a cycling neighbourhood!

Want to know more about Bengaluru's initiatives? Check out the presentation below!

Bangalore_Jury Presentation