Pimpri Chinchwad's journey to safe cycling...

"The India Cycles4Change Challenge is a refreshing change from a ‘motor vehicle-centric’ mindset. Cycling carefree on the road with my two two daughters—7 and 10 years old—during the Cyclothon event is one of my fondest memories of last year."

Pratap Bhonsle

Traffic Engineer & Road Safety Expert

Check out Pimpri Chinchwad's stage 01 journey video

City highlight!

What if there was a green cycling network through the entire city?

Pimpri Chinchwad tested a pop-up cycle lane connecting open spaces in the city. Building on the success of the test, the city created a city-wide Harit Setu masterplan, with inputs from citizens, local CSOs, and experts. The masterplan envisions developing a cycling network connecting green spaces in the city. And to ensure this plan doesn’t just remain on paper, the city has already allocated the funds to make it a reality.

Want to know more about Pimpri Chinchwad's initiatives? Check out the presentation below!
