The purpose of this REOI Document is to provide interested parties with information to assist the formulation of their Application pursuant to this REOI Document. This REOI Document includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the Client in relation to the Project. Such assumptions and statements, in this REOI Document do not purport to contain all the information that each Applicant may require. This REOI Document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Client Representatives to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this REOI Document. The assumptions, assessments, information and statements contained in this REOI Document may not be accurate, adequate and complete and each Applicant should conduct its own enquiries and analyses, and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments, information and statements in this REOI Document, and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
The Client proposes to adopt a single stage process to evaluate Applications received based on criteria set out in this REOI Document. Based on this evaluation undertaken, a panel of 3 (three) HR Agencies is expected to be prepared. The Client proposes to shortlist HR Agencies through this process. The Client shall shortlist the 3 (three) Applicants based on evaluation criteria as set out in Section 3 of this REOI document. The purpose of empanelment is to create a pool of HR Agencies that can provide services to the Client for recruitment of suitable candidates. However, by virtue of getting shortlisted does not entitle shortlisted HR Agencies to claim their expenses incurred, if any, in the process of empanelment nor to claim for any assignment, whatsoever, it may be.