Interested reputed firms, Agencies or company may Visit website to download tender document. Duly completed tender document shall be submitted online up to 10/04/2019 and physical submission shall be received in Regd. Office up to 11/04/2019 till 4:00 PM with Earnest Money Deposit for an amount of Rs. 1, 00,000/- (One Lakhs only) in the form of DD of any Nationalized/Commercial Bank, drawn in favor of JCTSL, JABALPUR. Technical Bid shall be opened on 11/04/2019, Financial Bid shell be opened on 22/04/2019. Pre Bid meeting will be held on 18/03/2019 at Regd. Office. Amendments to RFP, if any would be published on website only, and not in newspaper. Only Online Tender will be accepted. If any Query Contact No. 0761-4014501.