Railway stations are dynamic public spaces that act as high-density 24x7 multi-utility hubs. But the pressure of additional infrastructure will increase energy demand and consumption, which in turn will lead to more emissions and pollution. Integrating energy efficiency and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) guidelines into the redevelopment plans can reduce emissions and contribute to India’s climate goals. The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters.
The codes use a Form-Based approach, a first-of-its-kind in India, equivalent to Building Bye-Laws in a city. This approach aims to conserve energy by using land efficiently and creating a built environment that encourages the use of Non-Motorized Transport, improves access to public transit, and promotes resource-efficient infrastructural growth. The codes define and standardize the process of formulating and approving the plans for station redevelopment with a set of pre-defined objectives. The initial plan is to revitalize 400 station areas with large-scale station modernization and world-class passenger infrastructure. The initiative can be replicated in 8,000 stations and their adjoining areas to improve their environmental performance and capitalize on real estate opportunities.
The redevelopment efforts are geared towards transforming railway station areas into a ‘Railopolis’– a mini smart city with mixed-use development where one can live, work, play and ride, thus attracting huge investment and business opportunities.
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and Creative Footprints contributed to the development of these codes and provided inputs for their fine-tuning before their adoption by the IRSDC.
1. Guidebook for Operationalizing the National Transit Oriented Development Policy for Station Redevelopment
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This guidebook lays down the measures for value creation in railway land as recommended by the National Transit Oriented Development Policy. Some of these measures include creating mixed-use, mixed-income, active areas creating vibrant public places, and providing amenities for residents and transit users. Such areas are environmentally, socially and financially sustainable since they encourage high socialization, walking, cycling, access through public transport while discouraging the use of private motor vehicles.
2. Manual of Form Based Codes for Station Redevelopment
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This document provides an overview of the Development Control Norms applicable to station redevelopment including commercial development for a) Layout Regulating Plans and (b) Parameters for the Property Development Card. The latter, a new regulatory tool, is designed to ensure that all minimum mandatory regulatory requirements for the development of railway sub-plots are provided to developers, thereby enhancing returns from railway and surrounding land.
3. Guidebook of Form Based Codes
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This guidebook lays down the process for the preparation of Layout Regulating Plans and Property Development Cards, for approval by the IRSDC.
4. Manual for Building Plan Approval of Commercial Assets
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This manual lays out the procedures for the approval of the building plans of commercial assets. It follows the principles of the National Building Code and Model Building Bye Laws as prescribed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
5. Handbook for Architectural Design of Commercial Assets
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This handbook is based on the principles of the National Transit Oriented Development Policy and Form Based Codes as laid out by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, and the National Building Code.
6. Environment Management Guidelines for Station Redevelopment
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This document lays out the guidelines for integrating environment management during layout planning as part of station redevelopment. It is based on recommendations issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the National Green Tribunal Act and other statutory bodies.
7. Working Policy for Railway Heritage Assets
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This working policy provides an introduction to railway heritage in India and the existing statutory framework pertaining to it. Departing from the conventional monument-centric approach, the focus of this policy is to conserve railway heritage assets while ensuring their continued use, necessary expansion and suitable preservation.
8. Guidebook for Conservation of Railway Heritage Assets
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This guidebook is a compilation of guidelines for the requisite work to be performed at railway heritage assets (or around the sites). It features tools for the planning, construction, monitoring, maintenance and repair at railway heritage sites.
9. Appendices and Annexures – Guidebook for Conservation of Railway Heritage Assets
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This document is a compilation of appendices and annexures to the guidebook for the conservation of railway heritage assets. It contains sample formats, processes and outputs required from each subtask pertaining to the development of the Heritage Assessment Report, Heritage Building Condition Report, Heritage Conservation and Reuse Plan and Heritage Management and Maintenance Plan.
10. Background Studies for Working Policy and Guidebook
The Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited (IRSDC), the nodal agency for the redevelopment of railway stations in India, has developed a comprehensive set of codes and guidebooks— called the Manual for Station Redevelopment including Commercial Development—that focus on sustainable and green development. The codes also include guidelines for heritage conservation based on sustainability parameters. This guidebook is a compilation of relevant studies conducted to develop the a) Working Policy for Railway Heritage Assets and b) Guidebook for Conservation of Railway Heritage Assets.