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RFP Parking lot RFP Parking lot

Request for Proposal for Selection of Transaction Advisor (TA) for Techno-Economic Feasibility Study and Bid Process Management Services for Selection of Private Entity for Development of Auto Stands, Structured Commercial Parking lots and any other work specified by VSCL on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode at Various Locations in Vellore Smart City

The growing population of India has created many problems - one of the challenging ones being car/ two wheeler parking which we confront almost every day. Besides the problem of space for cars moving on the road, greater is the problem of space for a parked vehicle. In order to increase available parking spaces within the city, Vellore Smart City Limited is now intended to develop auto stands and structured commercial parking lots under Smart City Funding. To cope with increased demand for commuters’ Auto stands and structured commercial parking lots and any other work specified by VSCL through Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis at identified locations of Vellore City