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First Apex Conference of Smart City CEOs

Partial Date: 2018CE May 8th to 2018CE May 9th
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Document Category: CEOs, Conference, Smart Cities Mission

The ‘First Apex Conference for the CEOs of Smart Cities‘ has been organised for providing a platform for cross learning and knowledge sharing among the Smart City CEOs. Shri Hardeep Puri, Minister of State (I/C) for Housing & Urban Affairs inaugurated the two day conference in Bhopal on the 8th May 2018.The conference will enable the CEOs to learn from the experiences of all city leaders to understand in greater details both successes and failures. The convergence of all the best practices in Smart city missions across the country on a single platform will help the city leaders to not waste time in 'reinventing the wheel' but use the collective learning to accelerate the progress of work.

Apart from the Smart City CEOs, the participants included representatives from municipal, State and Central Government and various other stakeholders in the Smart City Mission from the civil society, academia, industry etc. The list of invitees included Principal Secretaries (UD)/State Mission Directors, Municipal Commissioners, Ambassadors of several countries, UN representatives, heads of multilateral/bilateral agencies, civil societies, and capacity building institutes. CEOs/heads of major Master System Integrator vendors were also invited.

The conference was attended by CEOs from 77 out of the 99 Smart Cities. The plenary sessions featured panel discussions and presentations by Smart City CEOs highlighting their high impact projects under the Mission. The presentations are attached.