The city wide ‘Network of Smart Elements’ (term used henceforth to imply Smart Devices, Smart Systems and Wi-Fi Network specified in this tender) will accomplish the following broad objectives: o Undertake smart city initiatives to make Pune a better place to live in by increasing safety, liveability of the people in the city and to effectively provide the delivery of few urban services. o Improve the situational awareness of the city administrators and residents. o Provide administrators, citizens, tourists and businesses real time and actionable information to aid their day to day decision making. Following is the list of other key smart city interventions proposed for Pune Smart city: Smart Parking Automated Traffic Management System (ATMS) Smart Bus Stops Smart Street Lighting e-Challan with Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD) Smart Water Meters Integrated transport Management Systems (ITMS) City wide Fiber Solid waste management system Asset management system for networks of road Surveillance system Pune city and PMC web portals, App services Any other system which needs IT integration with SCOC The successful bidder shall have the overall responsibility to design, build, implement, operate, and maintain Network of smart elements project for a period of five years from the date of successful commissioning.