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HUDCO Awards for Best Practices: To improve the Living Environment 2017-2018

Partial Date: 2018CE Feb 28th
Issued By
Document Category: Awards, Best Practices, Competition
Tags: HUDCO, India

The Best Practices Award is open to agencies working in the urban development sector such as Government Organisations/Parastatal Agencies, Cities, Local Bodies/uthorities or their Associations, Non-Governmental Organisations, Community Based Organisations, Private/Corporate Sector, Research and Academic Institutions, Public or Private Foundations.

The Best Practices are categorised into seven themes:

  1. Urban Governance
  2. Housing, Urban Poverty and Infrastructure
  3. Urban Transport
  4. Environmental Management, Energy Conservation and Green Building
  5. Sanitation
  6. Urban Design and Regional Planning, Inner City Revitalization and Conservation
  7. Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Rehabilitation

The last date for submission has been extended upto 28th February 2018