NIUA is in the process of engaging mentors with proven international (including developing countries) experience relevant to CITIIS thematic areas. One dedicated mentor will be appointed to each selected CITIIS project for the three-year period. The appointed mentor will work on a regular basis with the SPV CEOs and their teams to handhold them through the maturation and implementation of the selected projects and to develop tools and activities to address the governance issues linked to partnership, public participation, monitoring & evaluation and urban innovation. The mentorship process would be facilitated by a Domestic Pool of Experts recruited at the national level to contextualize the expertise and play a key role in the implementation phase of the specific project. The Domestic Experts will be co-owners of all the mentorship deliverables along with international mentors, especially multi-stakeholder engagement approach, internal capacity building of SPVs, and integration of innovation and experimentation in the design process. This Expression of Interest is for the appointment of Domestic Pool of Experts.
Domestic Experts with successful and high standard of achievements and proven experiences in the region are invited to submit their EOIs as per the submission format annexed to this document.
EOIs should be submitted as electronic copies in English language only, not later than 1600 hours on 23/05/2019 Late Submissions would be rejected. For details on online submission, refer to page and click on “Invitation for EOI for Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance under the CITIIS Program – Procurement of Domestic Pool of Experts".