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Request for Proposal document Request for Proposal document

Request For Proposal for Selection of Concessionaire to Design, Develop, Implement, Operate, Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi-Level Parking at Mt Cloth market site -2, in Indore for 2 – wheeler (520 Nos.) Mechanized rotary parking with 5-year operation and maintenance

Indore Smart City Development Ltd. Invites Percentage rate tenders/Bid from the eligible firms for following works:

  1. Mechanized Multilevel 4-Wheeler and Mechanized Multilevel 2- Wheeler Parking at Cloth Market Plot-1 in Indore
  2. Mechanized Multilevel 2-Wheeler Parking at Cloth Market Plot-2 in Indore

Tender forms may be purchased online by the contractors having relevant experience.

Tender Document and other details shall be available on Amendment to NIT, if any would be published on website only.