What did cities do in Stage 1?

India Cycles4Change Challenge aims at inspiring Indian cities to implement quick cycling-friendly interventions in the wake of COVID-19. As part of the stage 01 of this transformative journey 41 cities have worked — from June to January — on 3 components — testing pilot cycling interventions, building momentum for cycling, and creating scaleup plans to make their streets cycling-friendly.

40+ new cities have embarked on a transformative journey to become cycling-friendly, through Season 02 of the India Cycles4Change Challenge, kickstarting from April 2022! 

Parallelly cities across India are striving to create streets & public transport that are safe, attractive, and comfortable for all to commute!

Check out the holistic progress cities are making…

Check out the works of Season 01 cities!

Message from Visionaries

The journey to a nationwide transformation...

What are cities doing?

How are cities doing it?

Test-Learn-Scale isn’t a new idea; applying it to the Indian context was. The India Cycles4Change challenge introduced this mantra to help cities create solutions that meet the needs of the people, while also garnering citizen support.

‘The Dawn of India’s Cycling Revolution’, 
the official report celebrating the phenomenal
efforts taken by cities across the country in
the India Cycles4Change Challenge so far.

How did the Challenge support the cities?

By developing an innovative capacity building programme.
Here’s how we made it happen so far…

Conducted Workshops

Created a library of resources

Setup CSO network

Write to Us

Reach out to the Coordinating team at contact@cycles4change.org