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Energy Good Practices, China Energy Good Practices, China

Good Practice And Success Stories On Energy Efficiency In China

Since 2006, the Chinese government has embarked on one of the most agressive energ conservation campaigns in the world, setting itself a mandatory target to cut energ intensity per unit of GDP by 20 percent in the 11th Five‑Year Plan (2006‑2010), with annual evaluations and examinations being carried out at the provincial, municipal and county levels, as well as in energ‑intensive enterprises. Similar commitments with a targeted sixteen percent reduction in the 12th Five‑Year Plan (2011‑2015) and ffeen percent in the 13th Five‑Year Plan (2016‑2020) were also renewed. Strong legal measures, regulatory policies and fnancial incentives have been put in place to ensure that these targets are met.

Both central and local governments have committed signifcant resources in the quest to fulfll these national energy‑savings goals. New and innovative policy mechanisms and programs have been successfully introduced. Tanks to the great efforts made in promoting energy effciency, a number of good practices have emerged from different regions and different sectors. Tis report proposes eight criteria in selecting good practices and stories, including focusing on energ‑efciency policies, being based on sectors, resulting in large energy savings, having clear or quantitative targets, having an implementation process that is measurable, reportable and verifable (MRV), having been enforced for at least three years, having relatively low costs and high benefts, and being replicable in other regions or sectors.

Based on these criteria, eight good practices and stories from the industrial, building and transportation sectors are identifed, including the Top‑1,000 Enterprises Energ Efciency Program, eliminating backward industrial production capacities, the fnancial rewards of industrial energy‑saving technical retrofts, energ‑efciency standards for new buildings, energy‑conservation retrofts to existing buildings, promoting energy‑effcient appliances, and promoting energy effciency and new energy vehicles, as well as fuel effciency standards.