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Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction In Housing Sector. New Delhi, India: National Institute of Disaster Management, 2014.
Developmental Impacts and Sustainable Governance Aspects of Renewable Energy Projects. New Delhi, India: Ministry of New and Renweable Energy (MNRE), 2013.
Wong, Emily. Gender Equality for Smarter Cities: Challenges and Progress. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), 2009.
Speed, Robert, Li Yuanyuan, David Tickner, Huang Huojian, Robert J. Naiman, Cao Jianting, Lei Gang, Yu Lili, Paul Sayers, Zhao Zhongnan et al. River Restoration: A Strategic Approach to Planning and Management. Paris, France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2016.
2016 UN World Water Development Report, Water and Jobs. Paris, France: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), 2016.
Seeds of Knowledge: Contributing to Climate Change Solutions. United Nations Environment Programme, 2012.
Online sharing of Water and Sanitation Knowledge. United Nations Development Programme, 2012.
Networks for Prosperity. Connecting Development Knowledge Beyond 2015. Vienna, Austria: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), 2015.
World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate. Paris, France: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), 2016.
Magalhães, Fernanda, and Francesco di Villarosa. Slum Upgrading: Lessons Learned From Brazil. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2012.
Ange, Shlolmo, Jason Parent, Daniel L. Civco, and Alejandro M. Blei. Making Room for a Planet of Cities In Policy Focus Report. Cambridge, USA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2011.
Mueller, Simon. Next Generation Wind and Solar Power. Paris, France: International Energy Agency (IEA), 2016.
Prevention of hazardous waste in Europe - the status in 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark: European Environment Agency (EEA), 2016.
Urban India 2011: Evidence. Indian Institute for Human Settlement (IIHS), 2011.
Cities and Climate Change: An Urgent Agenda. Washington DC: The World Bank, 2010.
Swachh Bharat Mission Exposure Workshop (May - October, 2016). New Delhi, India: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2016.
Rojas, Eduardo. Building Cities Neighbourhood Upgrading and Urban Quality of Life. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2010.