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IHUWASH. City Progress Report - Mysuru. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2019.
IHUWASH. WASH Economy Report. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2018.
IHUWASH. Roadmap of WASH Ecosystem In The journey of Innovation Hub for Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Solutions. Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2019.
Pneumonia & diarrhea progress report 2018. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2018.
MPI in India: A Case Study. Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative , 2018.
The Human Capital Project. World Bank, 2018.
Guidelines on sanitation and health. World Health Organisation (WHO), 2018.
Rudolph, Linda, Julia Caplan, Karen Ben-Moshe, and Lianne Dillon. Health in All Policies In A Guide for State and Local Governments. American Public Health Association and Public Health Institute, 2013.
Centre, Surat Urban Heal. Heat and Health Action Plan-Surat. Urban Health And Climate Resilience Centre, Surat, 2017.