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Submitted by admin on March 23, 2021

About the City
Nodal Agency – Jabalpur Smart City Ltd.

City’s Vision

Jabalpur aims to develop integrated community spaces and more green spaces within the neighbourhood where infants, toddlers, and their caregivers can play, live, laugh and develop positive and creative minds.

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About the Neighbourhood

The neighbourhood is comprised of wards 35 and 30. The Maharaja Agrasena and Deendayal Upadhyay neighbourhoods have higher concentrations of 0-5 population and consist of many markets and open spaces frequented by young children and their caregivers. The neighbourhood is ideal for young children friendly interventions as it has strategic proximity to existing facilities catering to young children. Presence of vulnerable population motivates to create inclusive and equitable environment.

Pilot 1 - Child-friendly waiting spaces at ISBT

Jabalpur ISBT (Inter-State Bus Terminal) is a major transit terminal with a high footfall of around 10000 users, where families spend long hours waiting. The city reimagined the waiting space to be friendlier for young children and caregivers by introducing dedicated play area and secure breastfeeding space for mothers in the waiting hall. This has enhanced convenience and comfort for caregivers travelling with their young children


Pilot 2 - Children’s vaccination centre and lactation room at Manmohan Nagar PHC

The city pioneered the idea of a children friendly vaccination center as a response to the Covid-19 situation. They converted an existing building into a dedicated childrens’ vaccination centre and the vacant land around 260 sq.m. was transformed into children-friendly areas. Playful waiting spaces were reclaimed from parking, a diaper vending machine and a changing station were added. This has helped to reinforce Primary Health Centers (PHCs) as a response to Covid-19, and through the lens of young children.


Pilot 3 - Enabling nature based play at Shivnagar AMRUT Park

This neighbourhood park was disused and in a derelict condition where children of the community had very few play opportunities. Around 400 residents from the community helped to transform the 1-acre park, to create age-specific play spaces, sensory trails, plantation and shaded seating spaces. The city also signed an MoU with the Resident Welfare Association to monitor and maintain the park


Pilot 4 - Improving Anganwadis and Chandrashekhar park in Vijay Nagar

Anganwadis in the neighbourhood were revamped through painting, providing loose play parts, equipment and this was accompanied by development of Chandrashekhar park with fixed play equipment and lighting. This is benefitting anganwadi teachers to take students to the park for various activities which were not possible within the anganwadi premise.


Pilot 5 - Development of Vikas Nagar park

This neighbourhood park was disused and in a derelict condition where children of the community had very few play opportunities. Around 400 residents from the community helped to transform the 1-acre park, to create age-specific play spaces, sensory trails, plantation and shaded seating spaces. The city also signed an MoU with the Resident Welfare Association to monitor and maintain the park
