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Submitted by admin on March 23, 2021

About the City
Nodal Agency – Dharamshala Smart City Ltd.

City’s Vision

Dharamshala aims to prioritize affordable, sustainable and healthy solutions related to mobility, services and infrastructure so that young children and their caregivers can access their right to the city and opportunity without hindrance or hostility and can flourish in an environment devoid of danger, risk and discomfort while enabling local communities to celebrate their public realm and resources.

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About the Neighbourhood

The neighbourhood comprises of wards number 6 and 7, Kotwali Bazar and the Secretariate located in the heart of Dharamshala. The neighbourhood is a busy locality with various tourism and local activities and has high footfall of young children and their caregivers. The strategic location, being in proximity to early childhood development services and public places, facilitates planning effective interventions. The neighbourhood is also part of the proposed ABD area under Smart City Mission, facilitating conducive infrastructural development.