About the Awards
The V Ramachandran Awards For Excellence In Urban Decentralisation have been instituted in the memory of Mr V Ramachandran, a doyen of decentralisation, to recognise ground-breaking work in decentralisation in the urban context by both individuals and institutions, within and outside of government, and across levels of government. The Awards seek to recognise outstanding work that either enables decentralisation in cities through laws, policies and institutions or operationalizes decentralisation in cities through execution and implementation. Rather than reward past achievements, it seeks to identify and honour present accomplishments that germinate far-reaching impact.
This year will be the twenty fifth year since the Constitution (Seventy fourth) Amendment Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha. Decentralisation continues to be a crucial governance reform agenda in India. This is more so in the urban context given how Panchayati Raj has marched far ahead of Nagara Raj, and the rapid urbanisation that India is witnessing, with 50% of India’s population expected to be in urban areas by 2050.
These Awards in the name of Mr V Ramachandran, a doyen of decentralisation, is being instituted in recognition of ground-breaking work in decentralisation in the urban context by both individuals and institutions, within and outside of government, and across levels of government.
For further details and application, please visit: http://www.janaagraha.org/vramachandranawards/index.html