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RFP for Selection of PMC for Smart Solutions for Bhubaneswar RFP for Selection of PMC for Smart Solutions for Bhubaneswar

Request for Proposal for Selection of Programme Management Consultant (PMC) for Smart Solutions Projects for Bhubaneswar

The city of Bhubaneswar has been selected to be developed into a smart city under the first phase of the Smart Cities Mission launched by the MoUD. The Client is the special purpose vehicle incorporated to implement the Smart Cities Mission in Bhubaneswar in accordance with the Smart City Proposals. The Smart City Proposals include the application of certain pan-city smart solutions, which involve the use of technology, information and data to improve infrastructure and services within the city of Bhubaneswar (the Smart Solutions Project).The Client now intends to select a Consultant to design and assist the Client in implementing the Smart Solutions Project through an intelligent city operations and management centre and to perform the Services, as described in greater detail in the TOR and the Smart Cities Proposals., in accordance with the method of selection specified in the Data Sheet. In providing the Services, the Consultant is required to comply with the provisions of the RFP and the Smart City Guidelines issued by the MoUD, which have been appended to the RFP at Schedule I.

The Contract (appended to the RFP at Section 7), which will be signed between the Client and the Consultant is for a term of 4 years, which term may be extended on mutually acceptable terms and conditions.