Jabalpur City Transport Services Limited - JCTSL envisages creation of state-ofthe-art public infrastructure facilities with a principal view to establish Jabalpur as a user friendly Smart city. Effective parking management is an essential tool to facilitate the efficient use of road space to ensure free passage for pedestrians, cyclists, public Transport, Users. In addition, appropriate parking fees can ensure that personal motor vehicle users compensate the city for the use of valuable l on which they park their vehicles. The Jabalpur City Transport Services Limited - JCTSL seeks to implement a Smart Parking System to improve parking operations, optimize usage of the available parking supply, and enhance the overall functioning of streets in the city. The new Parking System will employ an information technology (IT) backbone to facilitate greater transparency efficiency in the collection of parking fees enforcement operations.
JSCTL invites requests for proposal from reputed firms, agencies or companies for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation And Maintenance Of Smart Parking Solution In Jabalpur On PPP Model Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Interested reputed firms, Agencies or company may visit website www.mpeproc.gov.in to download tender document. Duly completed tender document shall be submitted online up to 15.11.2017 and physical submission shall be received in Regd. Office up to 20.11.2017 till 4:00 PM with Earnest Money Deposit for an amount of Rs. 2, 00,000/- (Two Lakhs only) in the form of DD of any Nationalized/Commercial Bank, drawn in favor of JCTSL, JABALPUR. Technical Bid shall be opened on .23.11.2017, Financial Bid shell be opened on 28.11.2017. Pre Bid meeting will be held on 08.11.2017 at Regd. Office. Amendments to RFP, if any would be published on website only, and not in newspaper. Only Online Tender will be accepted. If any Query Contact No. 0761-4014501.