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Request for Proposal Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal for Hiring of Human Resource Agency to Provide Quality Manpower for Recruitment of Key Managerial & Other Posts for Faridabad under the Smart Cities Mission

Faridabad Smart City Limited (FSCL) invites Proposals from consultancy firms to assist FSCL in providing technical and Administrative support to appoint suitable personals for key managerial and other posts in Faridabad Smart City Limited. This Request for Proposals (RFP) has been addressed to the Consultants as empaneled by Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India (List Annexed) vide Advisory No. Advisory No.3 dated 4th July, 2016. Interested Consulting Firms / Organization are expected to provide the required professionals as listed below:

  1. Company Secretary
  2. General Manager (Finance /Chief Finance Officer) 
  3. General Manager (Engineering & Technology)
  4. General Manager (IT & Smart Solution)
  5. General Manager (Legal & Administration)
  6. Deputy General Manager (Urban Planning)
  7. Deputy General Manager (Urban Design & landscape Architect)
  8. Deputy General Manager Engineer (Area Based Development)
  9. Deputy General Manager Engineer (Pan-City Development)
  10. Deputy General Manager (Finance & Accounting)
  11. Deputy General Manager (Procurement)
  12. Deputy General Manager (IT Solution)
  13. Deputy General Manager (Communication & PR)