Anchored at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore, Urbanisation is published on a bi-annual basis (May, December) by Sage Publications India. It is available worldwide online through international journal indices such as SAGE Premiere and HighWire, and in print through Sage’s extensive distribution channels. The current issue can be found here.
Urbanisation aims to publish comparative as well as collaborative interdisciplinary scholarship that will illuminate the global urban condition beginning with a firm footprint in the Global South. A platform that brings together inter-disciplinary scholarship on the urban, it is equally interested in critical and reflexive discussions on diverse forms and sectors of urban practice. It seeks to do so not only to inform urban theory, policy and practice but also to enable the construction of diverse forms of knowledge and knowledge production needed to enable us to understand contemporary urban life.
The Journal seeks to:
Call for Papers: Issue 2: 2 (November 2017)