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Sagar SCP Sagar SCP
Sagar Annexure Sagar Annexure

Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Sagar

The vision reflects the pride of regional supremacy among the citizens, their association with the Bundelkhand culture,  a positive  approach towards development and the associated pecuniary benefits to the development. Sagar is a pre-eminent city in the Bundelkhand region which covers the part of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The city caters the Commercial, Educational and Medical needs of the region. The scrutiny of  SWOT analysis and Citizen Engagement exercises gave a clear blueprint that the regional commercial dominance is an inherent strength to the city of Sagar.The Vision and Strategic-Plan consolidates over six key Focus Areas (FA) addressing the outcomes from city residents and self- assessment :- 

  1. Progressive  economy: Inclusive Economy, Increased city's GDP and Per-Capita income
  2. Walkable neighbourhoods-  Connected and Accessible City, Speedy Transport, Safe Streets and mixed income-group neighborhoods
  3. Green Urbanization - Reduced carbon-emission, balanced built-open ratio, best use of natural resources.
  4. Cultural Identity - Carry forward Intangible cultural legacies, preserve built heritage, Economic revival of traditional artists.
  5. Good governance - Citizen centric governance, technological penetration in governance processes and citizen empowerment.
  6. Efficient Urban Infrastructue - upgraded physical infrastructure, health and education facilities.