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Reimagining Pune. Pune Municipal Corporation, 2018.
Pune's Sustainable Transportation Initiatives In The best way to predict the future smart city, Is to design it., 2018.
Pune Cycle Plan. Pune Municipal Corporation, 2018.
The Lighthouses of Pune: Enabling Sustainable Livelihood for Youth. Enabling Sustainable Livelihood for Youth, 2018.
My Zero Waste Event In 12 Actions To Start A Zero Waste Process. Zero Waste Europe, 2017.
Faecal Sludge Management: Planning, Financing, Implementation. New Delhi, India: National Institute for Urban Affairs, 2016.
Making Cities Open Defecation Free: Systematic Approach in Maharastra. Urban Development Department, Government of Maharashtra, 2016.
Handbook on Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Module. New Delhi, India: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2017.
Swachhta Status Report 2016. New Delhi, India: National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, 2016.
Disabled Persons in India: A statistical Profile 2016. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, 2016.
Energy Statistics: 2017. New Delhi, India: Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation , 2017.
Domestic Tourism in India. National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, 2017.
Handbook of Conservation of Heritage Buildings. Central Public Works Department, 2013.
A Handbook of Landscapes. New Delhi, India: Central Public Works Department, 2013.
Handbook on Barrier Free and Accessibility. New Delhi, India: Central Public Works Department, 2014.
Sengupta, Rustam, Somboddhi Ghosh, and Sunaina Mullick. De-mystifying Impact Investing In An Entrepreneurs' Guide. India: GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), 2015.
Off-grid Renewable Energy in India Technology & Service Overview 2014 - 2015. GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), 2014.
8th India Innovation Initiative 2016: Review and Recommendations. Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), 2016.
Council, India Innovation. National Innovation Initiatives (2010-2014). New Delhi, India: India Innovation Council, 2014.