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Leipziger, David, and Benot Lefevre. Private Investment in Public Transport In Success Stories form Brazilian Cities. World Resources Institute, 2015.
Harnessing Shared Mobility for Compact, Sustainable Cities. Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2015.
Mobility for all: A strategic transportation plan for Ranchi. Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2015.
Marks, Michael. People Near Transit: Improving Accessibility and Rapid Transit Coverage in Large Cities. New York: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, 2016.
Smart Cities Challenge: Lessons for Building Cities of the Future. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, 2017.
Global Mobility Report 2017: Tracking Sector Performance. Washington, DC: Sustainable Mobility for All, 2017.
Recommendations of Working Group on Urban Transport for 12th Five Year Plan. New Delhi: Planning Commission, Government of India, 2012.
Mahadevia, Darshini, Rutul Joshi, and Abhijit Datey. Low-Carbon Mobility in India and the Challenges of Social Inclusion:- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Case Studies in India In Promoting Low-Carbon Transport in India. New Delhi: UNEP Risø Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development , 2013.
Transit Oriented Development Along Rohtak Road (NH-10). New Delhi: Delhi Urban Art Commission, 2014.
SGA Architects. Bus Terminal Design Guidelines. New Delhi, India: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, 2016.
Institute of Urban Transport(India), Sonia Arora, and Tamalika Acharya. Appraisal Checklist for Urban Transport Projects. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2015.
Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit Systems. Roadmap for improving City Bus Systems in India. New Delhi, India: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, 2016.
Report of the Committee Constituted to Propose Taxi Policy Guideline to Promote Urban Mobility. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India, 2016.
Transforming Cities into Metros In ECC Concord (L& T Journal). Vol. 39. Chennai, India: L&T Construction, 2016.
The BRT Standard. Institute for transport and Development Policy, 2016.
Urban Mobility: Strategies for Liveable Cities. Berlin, Germany: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Division for Water; Urban Development; Mobility, 2016.